Black River 6-18-05 (21 images)

So I went out to the Black River this weekend for some R&R. On the way out I was just chill'n, listening to some tunes, and not really paying attention. Next thing I know I'm coming up on a sharp right turn... QUICK. To make a long story short, I freak'n railed this concrete barrier on the side of a cattle guard doing like 60mph. I have no idea how I didn't end up flipping. Anyways, after regaining control, I came to rest about 35ft off the road in the grass. It scared the shit out of me. I just sat there for a little bit with images of me flipping like 28 times running through my head. So I drove back over to the road, put my spare on, and went on my merry way. I found a nice spot to set up shop right by the pumping station. I didn't catch anything. But what else is new. I actually spent more time wandering around then I did with my rod in the water.

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